Garvin Nicholas
Garvin Nicholas
Born: 24th January 1967
Place of Birth: Ardeen Road, off Upper Saddle Road Maraval.
Parents: Edward and Simona Nicholas
Married: Dr Nicola Alcala
Trinity College Moka
Oxford Brookes University United Kingdom where he received a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Upper Second Class.
City University Inns of Court School of Law, London received a post-graduate Diploma.
He was called to the Bar of England and Wales in July 2001 by the Inner Temple and admitted to practice in Trinidad and Tobago June 2002.
He holds an LLM (Commendation) in Maritime Law from the City University of London.
He has advised on and drafted key legislation in a number of areas inclusive of Crime, the Family court, Insurance, Trade, Tax, the acquisition of Offshore Patrol Vessels, Extradition and Constitutional Reform.
Served as:
Local Government Councilor for Moka/Boissiere.
Chairman of the Finance and General Purpose Committee and Convenor of the Bylaws Committee for the Diego Martin Regional Corporation.
Opposition Senator.
Government Senator.
Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago from 3rd February 2015 to 17th June 2015.
High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.
He was a member of the following boards:
Member of the Governors of the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Governors of the Commonwealth Foundation.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Foundation.
Chairman of the Grants Committee of the Commonwealth Foundation.
Member of the Commonwealth Education Trust.
Commonwealth Advisory Panel for the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust.
Chairman of the Sub-Committee of the CARICOM High Commissioners for Trade and Development.
Member of a Sub-Committee to rationalize the Strategic Plan of the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Ambassador to Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden.
Head of Odysseus Chambers.
Past President of the Rotary Club Port of Spain.
In 2013 he was awarded the prestigious Diplomat of the Year for the Americas Award, by his peers in the Diplomatic Community in the United Kingdom for his outstanding work.
He is a certified Scuba Diver and enjoys Golf.